University of Cincinnati is Ranked One of the Top Fashion Programs in the
Number 21 to be exact! Who knew? Not me anyway. Maybe a fashion design student isn't ready for the big apple and the big boys at FIT and this might be a more comfortable place to start. Maybe a fashion student isn't looking for the "House of Mimi" - hmm, not quite the same as House of Channel!
I am sure there are plenty of students who are interested in fashion but with out all the drama that comes with Pratt and Parsons. For example -No Portfolio Required! The school does want students who love the challenge of working in a fast paced, trend driven market place that has been formed through creativity.
To earn a degree from UC you're required to participate for 1 1/2 years in a "CO-OP". This means for that time period starting in the spring of your sophomore year you would work with someone in the industry. I couldn't find any name dropping about this, but none the less, it's GREAT thing to graduate with infield work experience! 
The bad news is - it's a 5 year program, the good news is that you don't have to pay tuition during that time and you get paid for your work!
US News and World Report ranks the school at 129 - and don't forget it's 21 with Fashionista! (that's above Pratt!)
No portfolio required! You do need a grade point average of 3.398 - 3.875 and an SAT score of 1080-1200. On line application, transcripts, one letter of recommendation.
BUT the school highly recommends for students applying to certain areas of study - like fashion design - to apply by the early action non binding date of December 1 to be considered.
I got to thinking - has the university any famous fashion designer alumni?
Just one! Stan Herman. 
He is the creator of the "Fashion Uniform"!
Fed Ex, McDonald's, Amtrack, Avis, TWA uniforms to name a few of his clients
Mr. Herman went on to become the President of the Council of Fashion Designers of America
So that's the schools biggest claim to fame, but since it's getting more recognition for it's fashion design program, who knows what's next!