72 5th Avenue, New York, NY
One of the best address's in New York City! Looking up we could see the million dollar apartments featured on the "Selling New York" television show on HGTV. This explains the housing cost of $14,000 a year - real estate is real estate.
Parson's combined with the Eugene Lang Liberal Arts College and The New School to form Parsons The New School of Design in the 1970's. The original school opened in 1896 when a group of artists wanted something more progressive than that of The Art Student's League. Frank Parson was the first educator to suggest fashion and interior design as degree programs. Frank Parson believed that art and design should be obtainable for all people not just the rich and affluent. Parson's was also the first school to have a campus in Europe. It was at their Paris campus that the Parsons Table was created.
A fun fact about the New School was that in World War II it became known as the University of Exile. This is because between 1933 and 1945 the school sponsored 183 refuge scholars fleeing Nazi Germany.
Today's student applying must complete the "Parson's Challenge" which this year is "Explore something usually overlooked within your daily environment. Choose one subject, location or activity" Using any media or a combination of different mediums students need to submit 3 pieces of work with a 250 word essay supporting her/his work.
Wouldn't that be a great job to have in admissions! You never know what lies inside an applicants shipment - sculpture or painting or digital! This project is in addition to the portfolio which needs to have your best work, of course, and it should give admissions an idea of who you are.
SAT/ACT weigh in as well as your grade point average. Parson's has it's own on line application but if you are applying for a duel degree with the Eugene Lang College, you need to use the common app. We are not.
Like all art schools, Parson's is very liberal but they have a goal of each student being a commercial success upon graduation. This starts with a core freshman year - math, science, English with sewing only happening if you take a fashion elective that first year. Internships are strongly encouraged but not freshman year.
All of the teachers are working their field - no one is a full time professor! They are current with their expertise yes, but does this make teaching a part time job? It does have it's pros and cons. The campus lies together in a cluster in the city around 5th avenue. The old building from "Project Runway" is no longer a part of Parsons. Instead is a brand new eco friendly building. It's completely sustainable and has solar power panels, rain water collection, all the wood is bamboo or reclaimed. It is the first of it's kind on any US college campus. The runway is formed in a large auditorium who's walls can be taken down in the back to include the classrooms behind it for extra space. The fashion classes are here - as well as some dorm space.
One thing I found to be odd about Parsons - where was the art? There were no paintings on the wall, no sculptures, no textiles. I understand we were visiting close to finals but NO ART ANYWHERE?! Maybe this adds to the feeling of Parson's being very industrial. Even the new building with all it's design and scope felt industrial. But more importantly, Mimi liked the school very much.
The "Welcome to Admissions" and the tour was separated by a couple of hours. That was just fine by us on this beautiful day in Manhattan!
First we walked about
And a little shopping - we are in New York!
This store was especially fun - and it was almost all dishes! I especially like the Manhattan skyline on the mugs, bowls and plates. I am definitely going back store when I return for FIT this summer with Mimi and her brother. The Manhattan skyline T-Shirt is perfect for my son's best friend in New Zealand!
I bought some coasters for Harriett in New Zealand. Small and easy to mail, a little memento from New York. Leaving New York in the morning for home.
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