Drexel University, Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Look what we got in the mail yesterday - a postcard from Drexel advertising their workshops for high school juniors and seniors!
*for more information on Drexel's Fashion Program and admissions - please visit this blog's postings dated September 1, 2014 and June 25, 2014
Offered in the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design are
FREE one day workshops in the majors of Dance, Graphic Design, Design and Merchandising, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, and Interior Design.

These work shops are for perspective students who want to a degree in the arts but are unsure
of exactly what they would like to study.
Drexel! This is brilliant!

As a mother of four children, I can tell you that many kids start school "knowing" what they want to study, only to find out that it isn't a good fit. Drexel's program of workshops let a student try on a major before even enrolling.

How smart is that?!
The Dance and Graphic Design workshop is October 17th
The Design & Merchandising, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design workshops are

November 14th. Both dates are Fridays - but that's good too, interested students could get a feel of the campus in full swing.

I have known perspective students get a "yes or no" feeling when seeing the campus in person. I wonder how many university's do this? It's good for the students and their families get a feeling for the school before enrolling
and it's also

good for the school - I am sure they want students in the right place to begin with.

I'd like to look into it! Mimi knows what she wants to do

I like the idea of having a college day experience for her. And it's free! Nice Drexel!
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