Tuesday, July 1, 2014

POLIMODA - Florence, Italy

International Institute Fashion Design and Marketing
Florence, Italy
I almost forgot about one last school Mimi is interested in overseas - Polimoda, in one of my favorite cities, Florence.  Did you know that legend says that Michelangelo found a large piece of marble lying around Palazzo dello Signoria and asked if he could have it - and this is what he created?!  Amazing.Polimoda fashion school was founded in 1986 as a joint project with the cities of Florence, Prato (3rd largest city after Rome and Florence in central Italy who's economy is based on the textile industry)and the other part of this joint collaboration for a fashion school in Florence is Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC!  Well that'll make it easy for the F.I.T. students to study abroad!
Polimoda is a member of the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes but not listed by the Italian Ministry of Education as a degree earning institute.  I wonder how that might effect her future?  A fashion student will no doubt get a sound education but without a degree - how would that effect someone's pursuit of a masters degree?
Polimoda is a four year program with a three month internship after completion.  
The school is located in this recently restored villa from the 1800's.
"Candidates must have a good education and demonstrate a basic fashion knowledge and interest in the world of fashion.Must be strongly motivated and show enthusiasm, investing time in creativity and seeking professional development."
Polimoda goes on to say they are looking for a strong and original personality, open-mindedness and critical and creative objectives are required.

Year one begins with basic skills ranging from graphics, drawing, computer graphics to pattern design, sewing and knitwear.  Classes on the history of costume and textile science are taught simultaneously and the school wants students to study and analyse moments in history and culture and how these developments contribute to tomorrow's fashion.

Three garments will be created at the end of this first year of study - a dress, a tailored jacket, and a knitwear garment.

Year Two - Five outfits will be created applying knowledge of further fashion study and skill building.  Students will need to make a collection book showing your "identity" with your graphic work, a line plan, flats,  pictures, fabric and colors.What is unclear to me is this book more about your "identity" or is it focused on the five garments you've created and your "identity" reflected in those five pieces?

Marching on to Year Three: students will be doing projects in teams at a "professional level" learning line planning, supply chains, production standards, budget control, pricing and customer relations.
There will be workshops and group sessions on product development and the school will tutor
participation in international fashion talent competitions.  With a team you will create a small garment line demonstrating your ability to work together on a professional level.Polimoda - Corso Post Diploma in Fashion Design: Daniele Dell'AnnaYear Four - students will present their portfolio and thesis collection to professionals in the industry, talent scouts, even buyers with full media coverage.  Polimoda wants students to "become a distinctive author capable of creating and realizing a signature collection."
This will be followed by a 3 month internship either in Italy or abroad with an industry leader.  Polimoda doesn't name names, just "over 200 leading companies" so let's hope so!

Admissions: start when you log in and create an account.  When applying you will take an aptitude test, a drawing test and participate in a "motivational" interview in person or Skype.  A portfolio is required of course, but I can't find any specifics on it.  Once Mimi has created an account, we should be able to find out the requirements.
Torre di Babele, Pieter BruegelSo it is a fashion school, but you won't graduate with a degree but with a certificate of attendance.  Is that good enough for a job/career here in the states?  Polimoda claims students work with Gucci, Prada and Armani - but is that just in Italy or elsewhere as well?
If I haven't found answers to these burning questions - I can try a back door.  We will be going on a F.I.T. tour in the end of July and since they are in a partnership with Polimoda perhaps they can clue me in on the value of a "Certificate of Attendance".
As far as I can tell, this does not count as "continuing education" by American standards.  Could I e-mail some nice person in the hiring office of Ralph Lauren and Gucci and see what they say?  Let's try!

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